Monday, February 13, 2006

Cartoon Wars

I have been observing the "cartoon wars" of late and have some observations, as well as questions, your answers to which I would be interested in reading.

  • this Muslim "rage" appears to be in part, manufactured, or incited, by imams et al who are driving this.
  • the responses on the part of Muslims appears to be very out of line with the cartoons which were published -- to wit: burning of embassies
  • where did all the Danish flags come from, all of a sudden? I went to 3 businesses looking for flags from other countries and could not find a single one.
  • the world is not Islamic. Nor is it Christian. It appears to be fundamentally unfair and unjust for Muslims to excoriate others (mostly non-Muslim) through op-ed cartoons while crying foul when they are subjected to similar treatment.

Your intelligent and non-ad hominem comments are appreciated.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Interesting Site

Found this site today. I left a couple of comments on posts here and here. Let me know your thoughts.